Over 80 Businesses and Higher Education Institutions Sign the Maine Compact on Immigration

On February 23, 2021, MeBIC, along with over eighty other Maine businesses, chambers of commerce, trade associations, and higher education institutions launched the Maine Compact on Immigration.

The Maine Compact on Immigration is a set of principles to guide the immigration discussion at the state and federal level. The Maine Compact on Immigration supports federal immigration reforms, as well as statewide policies that are responsive to the needs of Maine’s employers and workers in a time when talent attraction and retention is critical to the state’s economic growth.

You can learn about  just some of the reasons that Maine’s business and higher education communities support the principles set out in the Compact  in this recording of the launch event, in this press release, or in this article.

The Compact was delivered in an open letter to Maine’s Congressional delegation, in a call for them to not just support, but to lead efforts to enact long overdue common-sense immigration reforms in 2021.

MeBIC invites additional businesses who know that immigrants are vital to Maine’s social and economic future to join the Compact, by signing on here.