Poll: Majority of Voters Support Immigration

A Pew Research Center survey of registered voters conducted in late July-early August 2020 found that since 2016, the share of those who say that immigrants  strengthen the country has grown.

In 2020, 60% of the registered voters surveyed said that the growing number of immigrants strengthened the United States, compared to 46% agreeing with that statement in 2016.  In contrast, 37% of those polled in 2020 said that the growing number of newcomers threaten the nation’s customs and values, compared to 50% in 2016.

Responses varied along partisan lines, with wide gulfs between registered voters who identified as supporting Trump in 2016 and 2020, and those supporting Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020, as indicated below.

The Pew poll result is consistent with other recent polls that indicate growing support for immigration despite rhetoric that might lead one to think otherwise.